Global Community of Anatomical Sciences Educators (GCASE)
Association Bylaws
The name of this association shall be:
Global Community of Anatomical Sciences Educators – GCASE
The GCASE evolved out of a Scholarly Interest Group for Anatomical Sciences (ASSIG) in the Department of Foundational Medical Studies at the Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine. The GCASE is the brainchild of Dr. Inaya Hajj Hussein, Chair of the ASSIG, who led efforts to leverage the fact that COVID-19 forced anatomists around the world online. Dr. Hajj Hussein directed the members of the ASSIG to reach out to their international contacts to develop a group dedicated to pursuing international scholarship without the traditional hindrances of geographical barriers.
The purpose of the GCASE shall be to:
assemble and maintain an international group of anatomical science experts;
enhance friendship and collaboration among its members;
support, promote, engage, and increase high-quality scholarly activities in the anatomical sciences education.
The GCASE shall have its Headquarters at the institution of the founding President.
Membership in the GCASE shall be open to individuals in good professional standing who have an active interest in anatomical sciences education and in support anatomical sciences programs, projects, courses and activities. Trainees of various stages may also join the Association - they may serve on committees, but are not eligible to vote or hold office. All applicants for membership shall complete and sign an electronic application on the Association’s website. Such application shall include an agreement by the applicant to abide by the Association’s Bylaws.
The Council shall establish a processing fee for new members. Currently, the Association includes 25 international members.
The Council may elect for life term an Honorary president, a person who has made significant contribution to the establishment of the association.
The Council may elect honorary members from those who have distinguished themselves in the field of anatomical sciences in the global community.
Honorary members may vote on all issues that are related to the association.
Special designation of “Founding” is assigned to members who started the association, provided an additional fee or significant donation to assist in the creation of the association, and played a particularly important role in its evolution and progress.
The President is the highest-ranking elected member of the Association and is directly accountable to the members. The President has general supervision, direction, and guidance of the business of the Association. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association; appoint a nominating committee; arrange for the participation of the Association in conferences or meetings; and implement policies and/or decisions made by the Council.
The President shall appoint Chairs for Committees deemed necessary to carry out Association activities.
The President shall serve a term of two (2) years. The Past President shall serve a one-year term on the Council, provided the member is in good standing. The President shall be elected by members of the association in good standing.
President: Inaya Hajj Hussein
Associate Professor
Department of Foundational Medical Studies
Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
Address: 586 Pioneer Dr, Rochester, MI 48309
Phone: +1248-370-3673
The Vice-President is also the President-elect and is the next person to assume the Presidency. The President shall delegate the duties of the Vice-President, including performing the duties of the President if the President is absent or unable to serve. The Vice-President shall be elected by members of the association in good standing.
Vice-President: Angelo Leone, PhD
Professor of Histology and Embryology
Palermo Medical School, University of Palermo
Tel: +447901820101
The Secretary shall maintain all official and non-financial records such as the minutes of meetings including Council meetings. The secretary shall provide necessary items for Association management and shall be responsible with the president for the Association’s correspondence. The secretary shall be elected for a term of two (2) years and shall serve no more than two consecutive terms as secretary.
Secretary: Mutahira Lone, BDS, Ph.D
University College Cork (UCC)
Address: College Rd, University College, Cork, Ireland
Phone: 353(0)21-4205494
The Treasurer shall keep accurate financial records of the Association; give periodic reports of the financial status of the Association; and prepare and present a full report to the membership at an annual business meeting. The Association Treasurer shall be elected for a term of two (2) years and shall serve no more than two consecutive terms as treasurer.
Treasurer: Jickssa M. Gemechu, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Foundational Medical Studies
Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
Address: 586 Pioneer Dr, Rochester, MI 48309
Phone: +1248-370-3667
IFAA representatives shall be elected or appointed by the Association’s Council to serve on the General Assembly of the IFAA for a term of 2 years.
Ana Angelova Volponi DDS PhD FHEA
Deputy Director of MSc in Regenerative Dentistry
Faculty for Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences
King's College University of London
Address: Guy's Hospital Tower, Floor 27, London SE1 9RT, UK
phone: +44 (0) 2078485726
Selcuk Tunali, MD, PhD
Professor of Anatomy
Faculty of Medicine
TOBB University of Economics and Technology
Ankara, Turkey
The Association shall be governed by the Council. The role of the Council is to develop policies and strategic plans, to assess the overall direction of the Association and to manage the affairs of the Association. The Council is the Association’s policy-making body.
The council shall consist of twelve (12) individual voting members; president, vice-president, five councilors, 2 representatives, secretary, treasurer and honorary president.
The Council members shall be elected by the Association members and will be those who have demonstrated notable achievements in their professions. Elected members must have personal qualities that allow them to make substantial active contributions to the Council deliberations.
Councilors will serve an initial two-year term of appointment. A member may be eligible for consideration for a consecutive, second two-year term. Once a Councilor has completed the term of service, they may be considered again after a three-year break between appointments.
Councilor: Abdo Jurjus, Professor
Department of Anatomy, Cell Biology & Physiology, Faculty of Medicine
American University of Beirut
P.O. Box 110236/41, Beirut, Lebanon
Tel: 009611350000 Ext. 4785
Mobile: 009613308716
Fax: 009611480687
Councilor: Ibrahim Inuwa, Associate Dean - Education
Professor – Anatomy, College of Medicine, MBRU
Tel: 800-MBRU(6278)
Direct: +9714 383 8705
Councilor - Albert van Schoor, PhD
Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Anatomy
University of Pretoria, South Africa
President of the Anatomical Society of Southern Africa
Tel: +27 (0) 123192315
Councilor - Rainer Viktor Haberberger
Professor of Anatomy & Histology
Flinders University, South Australia
Tel: +61 8 82015622
The Council of the Association shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. All Council members shall serve for two years following their election and until a successor officer has been elected. Member elected as a Vice-President shall serve as Vice-President for two years and then as President for two years, for a total term of four years.
The Council meetings shall be held bi-annually. The location shall be determined by the Council, which shall place a priority on the convenience of the members. The Association may have other regular meetings of members. The date, time and place shall be announced by the President and Secretary to members in advance. Formal notice of any meeting shall be provided to each member no less than 14 days prior to the meeting.
An affirmative vote by a majority of members in good standing present at the meeting shall constitute the decision of the Association.
At all meetings, each member shall be entitled to vote in person or electronically.
At any meeting where Association business is being conducted, a quorum shall consist of fifty percent (50%) of those voting members registered, provided that no less than ten (12) voting members are present.
The Members may propose an amendment or change in these Bylaws. The Council may amend the bylaws provided two-thirds of the voting members vote in favor of such amendment.
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